Ciro Discepolo | English corner | Complete Bibliography

Ciro Discepolo’s Complete Bibliography


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Some biographical notes

An astrologer, journalist and writer, he was born in Naples in 1948 (on the 17th of July, at 5:40 am)

He worked for twenty years at the most popular daily of Naples, Il Mattino, writing articles on science, medicine, informatics, literature and astrology. He always refused to cast the so-called 'horoscopes of the solar signs' for that newspaper and for any other newspaper or magazine. 
He worked (at 20 years old) for five years at the CNR (National Research Council) as Researcher Helper and, for two years, as Electronic Measures Laboratory's head in the Istituto Motori of Naples, CNR.
He has been dealing with astrology since 1970. He has written about 70 books, most of them best-sellers in Italy as well as abroad (France, the United States of America, Spanish, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia and Russia) and he has published almost 800 lessons of Astrology on YouTube and and about 100 brief Astrology essays on Google Books. In 1990 he founded the quarterly Ricerca '90, which he's been directing since then. 

He's been doing statistical researches from the very beginning of his interest in astrology. 
At the beginning of the '90s, he obtained very brilliant results with researches on astral heredity on a sample of over 75,000 subjects.

He's been holding seminars, courses and lectures in different universities and cultural centres in Italy and abroad. 
He particularly deals with Predictive Astrology and Aimed Solar Returns. According to many colleagues he may be considered the greatest living expert of this sector. In fact not only he wrote a dozen of texts on this specific segment of the art of Urania - he can also rely on an experience of more than 20,000 aimed birthdays (covering the years 1970 to 2007) that he suggested, whose outcomes he collected at an interval of one year. 

He developed extremely advanced software packages for the study of Predictive Astrology, also projecting an innovative algorithm which is particularly useful for the dating of events within one year for individuals or groups of people.

He is deeply interested in informatics. Astrologically speaking, he followed the school of Andr\E9 Barbault. 
He founded the school of the Active Astrology. 

The Active Astrology 

The Active Astrology is a school of Astrology founded by Ciro Discepolo at the beginning of the 90's, based on researched that the Author carried out beginning from 1970.
It relies on two main subjects: the Aimed Solar Returns and the Exorcism of the symbols.
The main notion on which the Active Astrology relies is represented by the fact that the beneficiary of this school undertake to try to mitigate the so-called 'negative influences' that supposedly arrives from 'dissonant' positions of the celestials in our solar system in the day and the time of the solar return on its own position of birth (of the native's sky), and at the same time, to potentiate the positive implications that may refer to the native in the same way. 

An Aimed Solar Return consists in changing one's place on the day of one's birthday, thus relocating the solar return according to consolidated rules, and spending one day only (few minutes) in a place accurately chosen; which place may, year by year, be distant a few miles from home, or in a different continent.

The exorcism of symbol, on the contrary, relates to the possibility of activating a symbol and therefore discharging it, according to the school of Carl Gustav Jung.

Main works 

Nuova guida all'astrologia (4th edition, revised) - Armenia, Milan, 817 pages, 1998. First edition 1979 
Transiti e Rivoluzioni solari [Transits and Solar Returns] - Armenia, Milan, 508 pages, October 1997 
Nuovo Trattato delle Rivoluzioni Solari [New Treatise of the Solar Returns] - Armenia, Milan, 216 pages, September 2003 
Nuovo Trattato di Astrologia [The new Treatise of Astrology] - Armenia, Milan, ca. 800 pages, February 2004 
I Fondamenti dell'Astrologia Medica [The Basics of Medical Astrology] - Armenia, Milan, 246 pages - end of January 2006 
L'Interpretazione del tema natale [The Interpretation of the Birth Chart] - Armenia, Milano, 336 pages September 2007 
Effemeridi e Tavole delle Case [Ephemerides and Tables of Houses], many volumes, different publishers 
Astrologia Attiva [Active Astrology], Mediterranee, Rome, 144 pages, autumn 1998 
Trait\E9 complet d'interpr\E9tation des transits et des R\E9volutions solaires en astrologie - \C9ditions Traditionnelles, Paris, 504 pages, December 2001 
Transits and Solar Returns - Ricerca '90 Publisher, Naples, 560 pages, September 2007 
365 nap alatt a F\F6ld k\F6r\FCl a szol\E1rhoroszk\F3ppal - DFT H\FAngaria, 190 pages, May 2006 
Temelji medicinske astrologije - Založba Astrološkega inštituta, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 260 pages, March 2007 
Prontuari di calcoli, atlanti geografici ed esercizi vari [Prontuari di calcoli, atlanti geografici ed esercizi vari] - many volumes, different publishers 
Recherche astrologique sur la schizophr\E9nie - Psychologie et astrologie, Num\E9ro 38 - 1977 de l'astrologue - \C9ditions Traditionnelles 
La libido et l'investigation astrologique - Psychologie et astrologie, Num\E9ro 47 - 1979 de l'astrologue - \C9ditions Traditionnelles 
Astralit\E9s d'Alberto Moravia - Etude de th\E8me, Num\E9ro 54 de l'astrologue 1981 - \C9ditions Traditionnelles 
Un mill\E9naire de conjoncture mondiale - Astrologie mondiale, Num\E9ro sp\E9cial 61, Astrologie mondiale 1983 de l'astrologue - \C9ditions Traditionnelles 
Enqu\EAte sur l'h\E9r\E9dit\E9 astrale - Statistiques, Num\E9ro 63 - 1983 de l'astrologue - \C9ditions Traditionnelles 
Nouvelle enqu\EAte sur l'h\E9r\E9dit\E9 astrale - Statistiques, Num\E9ro 67 - 1984 de l'astrologue - \C9ditions Traditionnelles 
Statistique sur 834 nominations minist\E9rielles - Statistiques - Num\E9ro 75 - 1986 de l'astrologue - \C9ditions Traditionnelles 
Nouvelle recherche sur l'h\E9r\E9dit\E9 astrale - Statistiques, Num\E9ro 94 - 1991 de l'astrologue - \C9ditions Traditionnelles 
L'H\E9r\E9dit\E9 astrale sur 50000 naissances - Statistiques, Num\E9ro 106 - 1994 de l'astrologue - \C9ditions Traditionnelles 
Astrologie activiste - R\E9flexions sur l'astrologie, Num\E9ro 125 - 1999 de l'astrologue - \C9ditions Traditionnelles 
Transits et R\E9volutions solaires - French edition of "Transits and Solar Returns" - 466 p., 2008 
DIE TRANSITE UND DAS SOLARHOROSKOP, German edition of "Transits and Solar Returns" , 646 p., 2008 
TR\C1NSITOS Y RETORNOS SOLARES, Spanish edition of "Transits and Solar Returns", 664 p., 2009 
Lunar Returns and Earth Returns, 304 p., 2009, English edition, modified and expanded, of "Rivoluzioni Lunari e Rivoluzioni Terrestri" 
Aimed Solar and Lunar Returns, 220 pages, 2009. It is possible to buy it here: 
Новый трактат о Солнечных Революциях, Чиро Дешиполо (Ciro Discepolo), 208 pages, June 2009. Russian edition of "Nuovo trattato di astrologia". See here: 

Complete bibliography: 

Main seminars

La soggettivit\E0 e la oggettivit\E0 nelle scelte di indirizzo astrologico [The subjectivity and objectivity in the astrologically oriented choices], University of the Studies of Padua, Faculty of Sciences of Communication, in the course conceived by Professor Maurizio Barbagallo, 9th of May 2001 (Link where you can download the relevant video, ca. 80 Mb) 
Miti, simboli, archetipi, astrologia, letteratura [Myths, symbols, archetypes, astrology, literature], University of the Studies of Naples "L'Orientale", Department of Compared Studies and Italian Institutes for the Philosophical Studies, edited by Professor Vittorio Marmo and Professor Anna Maria Pedull\E0, 9th of May 2006 (Link where you can download the relevant audio file) 
Miti, simboli, archetipi, astrologia, letteratura [Myths, symbols, archetypes, astrology, literature], Budapest University (ELTE BTK Romanisztikai Int\E9zet), 10th of October 2006 (link) 
Astrologia: s\EC o no?[Astrology: yes or no?], Italian Institute of Culture, Budapest (1088, Br\F3dy S. u. 8.), 12th of October 2006 (Link) 

A very short selection of the works in which Ciro Discepolo's works are quoted 

Italian Institutes for the Philosophical Studies - managed by Gerardo Marotta - Palazzo Serra di Cassano - Naples, Annuario 1975-2000. In the premises of the Institute 
(it quotes three conferences and a seminar held by Ciro Discepolo in different years) 
L\B4uomo che sa leggere nei segreti delle stelle, [The man who can read in the secrets of stars] by Mimmo Carratelli, La, 4th of February 2007 (Link) 
The only guest in the TV programme GAP (Generazioni alla prova), broadcast by RAITRE on the 16th of April 2004 on the subject: The young and the astrology. The program GAP is part of Format, a television space edited by Giovanni Minoli. You can download the video of the program (ca 80 MB) here. 
Guest, together with the president of CICAP Steno Ferluga, of the radio program La notte dei misteri, broadcast by RAI Radiouno on the 8th of August 2002 (it lasted all night long), hosted by Gabriella Vasile and Elio Cadelo.
You can download the audio files of the radio broadcast here. 
Giorgio Galli - Stelle Rosse, Astrologia neo-illuminista a uso della sinistra [Red Stars - Neo-Enlightenement Astrology for the use of the Left wing], 374 pages, Alacr\E0n Edizioni, Milan, 2006, ISBN: 88-89603-24-0 
A letter of Piero Chiara to Ciro Discepolo (Link) 
Camilla Cederna - Casa Nostra [Our Home] - Mondadori, Milan, 1983 
Luciana Marinangeli - Risonanze Celesti [Celestial Resonances] - Marsilio, Venice 2007, 334 pages 
Andr\E9 Barbault - Un si\E8cle de statistiques astrologiques, \C9ditions Traditionnelles, Paris 
Astrologia e Informatica [Astrologia e Informatica] - Magazine BIT, Gruppo Editoriale Jackson, Year IV, number 19 
Third Eysenck Research Seminar in Astrology - edited by Professor Hans J. Eysenck, former holder of the chair of Psychology at London University, known for having created psychological tests named after him, Museo Villa Pignatelli di Napoli, 3-4-5 of June 1988. Edition sponsored by the Regional Authority of Campania. 
Contributions to the correction of data relevant to the various time zones (Link) 
If you search Solar Returns (the astrological subject to which he is mostly committed) on, his name appears in the first six documents in a list of about 37 millions (

Ciro Discepolo's birth chart: 

Some my photos: 


The publishing house Armenia in Milan published his following works
(most of them can be purchased online at:

The publisher Capone in Turin published his following works:


The publisher Curcio in Rome published his following works:


The publisher Albero in Milan published his following works:


The publisher Nuovi Orizzonti in Milan published his following works:


As the publisher Ricerca ’90 he published the following works:


As the Blue Diamond Publisher he published the following works:


The publisher Edizioni Mediterranee published his following works:


The publisher Éditions Traditionnelles in Paris published his following works:


The publisher DFT Húngaria in Budapest has published his following works:


The publisher Založba Astrološkega inštituta, 2007 ([Ig] : Fleks) in Ljubljana has published his following works:


The publisher  Высшая Школа Классической Астрологии of Moscow has published his following works:

        Новый трактат о Солнечных Революциях,  Чиро Дешиполо (Ciro Discepolo), 208 pages, June 2009. Russian edition of "Nuovo trattato di astrologia".
You can buy it here:



Furthermore, several writings of his can be found in other books and magazines, both Italian and foreigner.
The list would be quite extensive, so that one cannot probably reconstruct it, not even partially. Thus we’ve listed hereunder only about ten essays, published on the prestigious journal l’astrologue, edited by André Barbault and published by Éditions Traditionnelles in Paris.


His books are available in the main bookstores of any Italian town, or at: