Ciro Discepolo
Ciro Discepolo
Technical support to the practice of the aimed solar returns | Geography section
Geography section
Maps of the whole world
Geographical maps of the whole world (with the zoom the enlargement is gotten and with the cardinal points it is moved us. For the American cities it also furnishes the situation of the traffic in real time)
Geographical maps of the whole world from the National Geographic, with photo, flags and as other things
Geographical maps of the whole world (holding pressed the mouse is gotten the distance among two points)
Geographical maps of the whole world (with the map of the roads and geographical coordinates of every city)
Geographical maps of the whole world (maps of the states, of the cities with the location of hotels, metropolitan lines, etc.)
Maps research for geographic coordinates
Coordinate Translation
Geographical coordinates
Site to look for the geographical coordinates of a place
One million of geographical coordinates with the old locality' s names
On line Horoscopes (to access the section of our pages where there is a precise database of three million of cities of the whole world)
Table of conversion from geographical longitude to hourly longitude
Capitals City of the World
Information on all the islands of the world
Besides the geographical maps it calculates the distance among two cities and it furnishes the geographical coordinates
Conversion on line from degrees in times and from times in degrees
Information on the world states